

The main goal of the DNPArchitects studio is to investigate new ways of contemporary living, creating a design network between Venice and Buenos Aires further extended to New York and Amsterdam.

The office participates in the main design and construction projects of Taglio di Po, a city located in the heart of the “Delta” estuary of the river Po, a place in between city and nature.

DNPArchitects is involved in international projects promoting - through architecture and design - the sense of community and individual identities.

Dario Passarella worked for many years in Argentina and Uruguay and the partner Nicole Passarella worked in collaboration with SO–IL in New York and with SeARCH in Amsterdam winning several international competition in residential and retail projects.

dnpa slide 04 residenza
Fre house, vista esterna
Santa Teresa Resort, Sardegna, unità abitativa
Mez house, veduta d'insieme

Office profile

The studio was established in 1956 by Ugolino Passarella after a long experience as a private and public works design architect. During the time spent in South America he worked together with the engineer Agostino Rocca founder of TECHNIT, one of the biggest construction Company. Ugolino Passarella came back home to Italy as he was in love with his own Country. Once arrived there he continued his own job as a design architect working on private and public projects and committing himself to the social in order to improve the “Delta Del Po” environment concerning the security as well as the urban and landscape plan.

In 1982, his sons, Italo and Dario Passarella, joined the Studio giving life to a new Company committed to residential housing and retail projects paying attention to the material quality thanks to the sole use of “Made in Italy” materials and creating a unique design both connected to the environment.

Later on Marta Kraglievich, Argentinian Interior Designer from Buenos Aires, joined the office. Thanks to her experience Marta could give to the Company a major action range looking at the commercial and retail building projects.

Today DNPArchitects thanks to its own large planning and building experience, is able to manage all the design steps untill the direction and management of the construction site. DNPArchitects works mainly with BioArchitecture and BioBuilding planning and designing for housing, retails and prestigious resorts in Venice, Sardinia, Argentina, Holland and all over the world.

DNPArchitects offers its experienced Architecture on an international market level paying attention to the architectural details, and providing only unique and custom designs all made with professional coworkers and artisans giving a prestigious and unique style and quality.