About us


Dario Passarella

Senior architect

Architect mainly working on Civil, Commercial, Industrial Architectural Plans, Urban field, Landscape and Infrastructure study. Technical Consultant of several International Companies working on executive projects of commercial and infrastructural works.

He is a Preservative Restore and Retrieve Expert of the Building Heritage in our Region and qualified in evaluating environmental effect and landscape Architecture.


  • 1982 Bachelor of Architecture attended at the University of Architecture in Venice.

  • 1985 Master of Architecture attended at the Venice University of Architecture.

  • 1986 Master of Improvement concerning laws and technologies for the architectural barriers abolition.

  • 2002 Master of Improvement in “L’uomo e l’ambiente” (Men and Environment) according to the law: Art. 16 del D.P.R. n. 162 del 10 Marzo 1982 attended at the Fondazione Architetti della Provincia di Treviso.


Nicole Passarella


Attending the school of art in Venice, I developed strong technical ability and expressive capacity. Nicole’s passion for art has helped to mature her skills in architecture, painting and photography. The choice to study architecture was the next step in a process already begun during art school.

I studied at the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara. During university, I took part in workshops and competitions, working closely with colleagues and teachers. The several years spent as an event planner for various cultural and educational institutions has provided me with a high level of organizational skills. During my 5th year of university, I studied at the Faculty of Architecture at TUDelft, in The Netherlands “Master Architecture, Urbanism & Building Sciences. The Building Design: the Border Conditions, Amsterdam. In 2009 I collaborated with Smartchitecture, a young Dutch architecture office. On March 19th, 2010, I graduated from the Faculty of Architecture in Ferrara with a degree in Architectural Planning. My Thesis topic was Social housing, and I was supervised by Carmelo Baglivo by IAN+ studio [ The problem of living. Rome focuses on itself, and in this way it rethinks itself. ] The Thesis was selected by the faculty council to participate in Archiprix Italy, a national competition, which focuses on the problem of depopulation of cities’ urban centers, trying to give a concrete answer to this phenomenon through the search “of Habitat “.

During the last year I worked as project manager for the Italian architecture office DNPArchitect. In 2011, I received my Italian Architecture License and moved to New York to work at SO-IL, Solid Objectives - Idenburg Liu. In November 2011 I began at SeARCH (Amsterdam) where I spent two years as Junior Architect. During this time, I worked on various international projects, improving my capacity to develop concept, project management, customer and municipality relationships, and building site supervision.

In 2014 she continued his experience in the DNP architects & designer studio to which she belongs, and then began an important career within the BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group in New York, where she still works as a designer on international experiences. of great prestige.